Monday, December 15, 2008

Business website revamped

I actually redid the website last week, since I was sending out some magazine article queries, and was hoping the editorial recipients of said letters would be checking my sites to see what I can do (as opposed to tossing my queries in the trash!).

I use an 'idiot-proof' website building program, and my previous design was very 'cute,' with a little coffee cup resting on a piece of notebook paper against a green background.  It seemed relevant to a writer's website when I first put it up.  Before too long, however, it felt way too literal and bore too much resemblance to something you'd turn in as a freshman english project.  I would like to think the new design I have chosen and tweaked is a little more sophisticated and professional. 

Here's the site:  Please check it out and tell me what you think!  I still have a lot of work planned on it, and plenty to add.  Any constructive criticism would be welcomed!

Also, I've added some photos from our little photography session back in October.  Our photographer, Caitlin Hudnall, is starting out as a freelancer herself, and she did an awesome job.  You should check out her site too!


JR Moreau said...

Imagine wise, I think the site looks perfect. I'm jealous! I need to start one soon. Do you recommend this platform?

Can't wait to see your content. As of now, I have no criticism.

Lee said...

I love the look of the site. I have a few suggestions for tweaks that I'll send in an email. Good luck!